Adobe photoshop Cosmetic Techniques 英文正式版( PS 整容術軟體)(DVD版)
The tools and techniques taught in this DVD are not only
specific to the world of cosmetic retouching. Probably
a better title for the DVD would have been 'Studio
Techniques'. These techniques are everyday tools which
are used on landscape, portrait, in fact any image. The
tools learned here are all based on using Layer and Alpha
Channel combinations creating the higest quality results
with ultimate flexibility.
DVD Chapters
Lines and Wrinkles
Hot Spot removal
Image Lighten
Lip enhancement (burn)
Eye brightening (dodge)
Skin Smoothing
Make-Up Techniques (colouring)
Adobe photoshop Cosmetic Techniques 英文正式版(Adobe photoshop 修飾潤色技巧視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
Total Training Adobe photoshop CS4 Extended Mastering Advanced Techniques DVD 英文正式版(圖形軟體)(DVD版)
The Gnomon Workshop Adobe photoshop for Digital Production Essential Techniques Updated DVD 英文正式版(數字創作電影、廣播和遊戲關鍵技術 視頻教程軟體)(DVD版)
Adobe photoshop CS2 CS3 繪圖軟體外掛合輯版(繪圖軟體外掛)(DVD版)
yperTyle v2.0 Retail for Adobe photoshop 英文正式版(PS無縫紋理材質軟體)
Total Training Adobe photoshop Light Room2 英文正式版(圖像展示處理和管理軟體)(DVD版)
Adobe photoshop Lightroom v5.4 英文正式版(相片管理軟體)